The ELMI ECR + application was developed in order to offer solutions in the field of retail. Those professionals who have tax cash registers of ELMI SYSTEMS SA will have the opportunity to issue fiscal documents (retail receipts and invoices) through the mobile application which will be printed on the tax cash register of their company.
The application also sends the documents directly to myData service as well as to the accountant of the businessman. Thus, an application has been developed in order to help the operation of a businessman who has an ELMISYSTEMS tax cash register, improving his daily life.
ELMI ECR+ was developed based on the following principles:
It is a mobile application that is solely used to increase functionality of ELMI
SYSTEMS tax cash registers externally. It can only be used if you own an ELMI SYSTEMS cash register and after receiving authentication by ELMI SYSTEMS (activation key)
Via ELMI ECR+, the businessman (or one of his colleagues/employees) will be allowed to issue legal retail receipts and invoices (full compliant to the Greek Law).
Mobile application user will be able to manage products/services and customers of
the business. User has the option to add/remove/edit customers & products/services (also user can use gsis system and receive customer data based on his registered VAT number to Tax Authorities)
If user inserts his credentials after his registration to myData service, mobile app will upload all the invoices/receipts that are issued via the app automatically to myData Server
After issuing either invoices or receipts, as a user you can forward them to business accountant so he can keep track of daily/weekly or monthly sales.
Email: support@rowega.net